Abstract Title:

Benefits of a Food Supplement Containingand Bromelain for Improving the Quality of Life in Patients with Osteoarthritis: A Pilot Study.

Abstract Source:

J Altern Complement Med. 2019 Nov 1. Epub 2019 Nov 1. PMID: 31674795

Abstract Author(s):

Giovanni Italiano, Mariangela Raimondo, Giovanna Giannetti, Anna Gargiulo

Article Affiliation:

Giovanni Italiano


Osteoarthritis (OA) is a joint disease involving articular cartilage degeneration causing patients pain, joint stiffness, physical disability, and significantly reducing their quality of life (QoL).The aim of this study was to assess whether the daily consumption of a gastroresistant food supplement formulation containing a combination of Band bromelain could improve the QoL of patients suffering from various forms of OA.Forty-nine patients were enrolled in this pilot study conducted from June 2015 to October 2016. Patients took a Boswellia- and bromelain-based supplement for a period between 1 and 6 months. At baseline and at the end of the study, patients completed a self-assessment QoL questionnaire regarding their independence in performing daily activities. QoL scores were compared between baseline and follow-up by means of the Wilcoxon signed-rank test in all patients and in the subgroups of patients with knee, hip, or generalized OA.Forty-nine patients, 6 men and 43 women, aged between 23 and 92 years, (mean age 63.24) participated in the study. At follow-up (3.0 ± 0.7 months), a significant improvement was observed for 7 of 10 QoL questions and, overall, for the total QoL score. The most significant improvements were observed in the joints that were more strongly affected at baseline. A similar trend was observed when separately considering patients with knee, hip, or generalized OA. No patients experienced adverse events and no drug interactions were reported.From this pilot study, it emerges that the use of the gastroresistant formulation containing the combination of Boswellia and bromelain supplements can represent a valuable nonpharmacological tool for improving the QoL of patients suffering from different forms of OA. Further studies should be conducted to confirm this first evidence.

Study Type : Human Study

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