Article Publish Status: FREE
Abstract Title:

Advanced Effect ofBioconversion byon the Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis: Preliminary Study.

Abstract Source:

Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2018 ;2018:7827565. Epub 2018 Jan 17. PMID: 29576799

Abstract Author(s):

Sang-Sun Hur, Suk-Won Choi, Dong-Ryul Lee, Jong-Hwan Park, Tae-Ho Chung

Article Affiliation:

Sang-Sun Hur


This study was conducted to determine if topical application ofextracts and its bioconversion product fermented byhas therapeutic properties enhancement for treatment of atopic dermatitis.(KCCM 11232P) was used to fermentleaves' extracts in this study. Comparison of organic acids and flavonols insimple extracts and their fermented product by HPLC analysis revealed that concentration of organic acids and flavonols of bioconversion product was lower than that of hot water extracts. The fermentation process is used as a nutrient for isolation of each component by microorganisms and growth of microorganisms. The results demonstrated that MF extracts effectively reduced clinical features based on macrography, scratching count, and severity scores, as well as model's serum IgE level, including histopathological analyses.

Study Type : Human Study

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