Earlier this week, entertainer John Oliver discussed vaccines on his weekly HBO program Last Week with John Oliver. In doing so, he exposed viewers to several inaccuracies about vaccine safety, including those regarding the use and toxicity of the mercury-based preservative thimerosal.
It's illegal for children to vote. It's illegal for children to choose to drink alcohol. It's illegal for children to drive. It's illegal for children to give consent for medical procedures. Yet, New York is planning to let children give consent for vaccinations, a potentially life-changing or destroying procedure, without parental consent?
Are journalists being censored when they write about issues on vaccine safety and the devastating problems in our current American vaccine system?
Flu vaccines, according to the best scientific evidence available today, will only work against 10% of the circulating viruses that cause the symptoms of seasonal epidemic influenza. So, do the theoretical benefits really outweigh the known harms?
A recent news story described a newborn being taken away from her mother shortly after birth because of the mother's refusal to accept a Hepatitis B vaccine. In my law practice, I also hear stories from time to time about newborns being vaccinated in the hospital after birth without the parents' permission and against the parents' wishes. Most of the time, these kind of problems are avoidable with a information about your rights and some common sense preparation.
There is undeniable proof that the World Health Organization (WHO) has been violating basic human rights and using low income countries for vaccine experiments for years. With such high disregard for human life, how many ethical lines have to be crossed before the WHO is finally investigated?
While there is much information on the dangers of vaccines, there is precious little on how to be healed from them.
GreenMedInfo is honored to welcome Dr. Judy Mikovits to the team as she continues her search for absolute truth within the scientific community. As a true scientist, Dr. Mikovits believes it is her duty to seek truth at any cost, and we gladly stand by her side.
The evidence against vaccine safety and effectiveness is massive. Here is a 300+ page research download of National Library of Medicine abstracts showing there are over 200 adverse effects of the vaccines in the CDC schedule, including death.
Half of the U.S. adult population is simultaneously both against abortion and for a vaccine schedule that uses induced abortion derived fetal cells. How can such an extreme form of moral hypocrisy be maintained by millions without virtually any discussion?
New York's A343[1] and S384, if enacted into law, will give children the right to consent to HPV and Hep B vaccines, without the knowledge and consent of their parents. Regardless of your position on vaccines, these bills set a disturbing precedent in violation of the U.S. Constitution—child consent to medical treatment.
"Vaccines are driving many diseases of Westerners from autoimmunity and autism to allergy and arthritis. Why so? What is the history of this volte face?"
Was State Farm "like a good neighbor" when it dropped Rob Schneider because of his views that parents have the right to decide what's in the best interests of their children when it comes to vaccinations?
If you asked “Do vaccinations cause autism?” to anyone in the medical establishment, government or drug industry, the answer would be a firm NO, but why?
Startling research published in the journal Apoptosis indicates that hepatitis B vaccine, which is designed to prevent Hepatitis B virus-induced damage to the liver, actually causes liver cell destruction
An alarming new study published in the journal Vaccine reveals that the coadministration of widely distributed infant vaccines is increasing mortality in exposed populations.
One of the primary pro-vaccine arguments is that vaccines can prevent cancer by preventing viral infections. But do viruses truly cause cancer and, if so, could the vaccines, rather than being preventative, be the cause?
For those paying attention, there are serious concerns to our current vaccination schedule in America. In a previous post I gave 8 of those that I felt were important enough for me to not vaccinate my daughter. In this article we look at 8 more reasons. Do any of these resonate with you?
The research is hard to ignore, vaccines can trigger autoimmunity with a laundry list of diseases to follow. With harmful and toxic metals as some vaccine ingredients, who is susceptible and which individuals are more at risk?
The science is definitive: The Hepatitis B vaccine is not only associated with liver disease, it causes it. The specific harm done is known, clearly documented. Low doses of the hepatitis B vaccine with aluminum adjuvant results in loss of mitochondrial integrity, cell death, and apoptosis, particularly in liver cells.
If the Gateses and the Faucis and the representatives of the international medical establishment get their way, life will not return to normal until the entire planet is vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2.
An eye-opening new study challenges the World Health Organization's claim that hepatitis B vaccine is "95% effective" at preventing post-exposure transmission of hepatitis B virus from an infected mother to her infant. The new study found 42% of infants, after receiving 4 Hep B vaccines, were infected with 'occult' Hep B virus.
Could the connection between retroviruses and chronic fatigue syndrome, myalgic encephalomyelitis, or autism be the scientific story of the century?
A Newsweek propaganda piece absurdly lies that vaccination entails no health risks -- and that anyone who knows better has no "faith in science"