In many past articles, I’ve taken apart the so-called science of vaccines and shown how deceptive it is. Here I take another approach: examining the archetypes and symbols that surround vaccination and give it occult power.
Every two years, for the past twenty years, a group of approximately 70 scientists have met at different locations around the world to discuss the effects that aluminum has had on living things.
A new organization launched this morning calling themselves “Vaccine Safety Commission”, a nonprofit organization that was formed by “concerned scientists, doctors, journalists, and parents.”
Obstetricians and primary care physicians throughout the world will no-doubt be lauding the result of one publication, “Neonatal outcomes after influenza immunization during pregnancy: a randomized controlled trial,” which can be downloaded free at the time of this publication HERE, and the abstract can be viewed HERE. This study will be cited by doctors, advisory panels, and pharmaceutical drug reps. as they work to increase vaccination rates and sales using pregnant mothers as receptacles
Lead, chromium, nickel and other metals linked to brain damage and IQ deficits were detected in every adjuvant sample tested by the vaccine industry, study confirms Italian research
This brilliant analysis gets to the heart of one of the major problems with vaccination: injecting biological agents derived from other species into healthy children can result in serious, if not life-threatening adverse, unintended health effects.
Using Merck's Gardasil vaccine as a case in point, an investigation documents Big Pharma's near-total control of governmental health agency decisions and the utter lack of concern by the decision makers. However, some scientists are speaking out, and here’s what they have to say.
The Premiere of “Man Made Epidemic” on Saturday 25th of June in London was a huge success.
Everything we thought we knew about immunity has recently changed.
Turning their backs on the human rights principle of voluntary informed consent memorialized in the Nuremberg Code after World War II, health authorities in France and Italy are fast-tracking involuntary vaccine mandates for school-age children.
While the Disney measles outbreak is being blamed on the non-vaccinated, the evidence reveals a failing measles vaccine is behind the outbreak.
The pro-Pharma mainstream media would like everyone to believe that doctors and “scientists” all agree that vaccines are safe and effective, but these 3 different doctors summarize the "other side" of the story about vaccines.
Ten years ago, science assumed that immunity was in the body, not the brain, which was thought to have "immune privilege". Everything we once thought is true is now undergoing radical revision with profound implications to human health, particularly the role of vaccines.
No journalist would have any difficulty finding dozens of distinguished skeptical scientists for the very few “rogue” scientists that the press has vilified.
GreenMedInfo is honored to welcome Dr. Judy Mikovits to the team as she continues her search for absolute truth within the scientific community. As a true scientist, Dr. Mikovits believes it is her duty to seek truth at any cost, and we gladly stand by her side.
The CDC has produced junk science that demonstrates absolutely nothing, but claims it shows no connection between autism and the vaccine schedule. It’s now spinning it as if it proves that there’s no link between the modern day nightmare of autism and the vaccines that they push for Big Pharma. Here’s the evidence.
Junk Science
The truth is that the GMO and vaccine agendas are the same; only, activists appear to think there is a difference.
Everything you have ever been told about the power of polio vaccines to eradicate polio worldwide could be dead wrong...
While the Polio Global Eradication Initiative (PGEI), founded in 1988, declares itself successful in nearly eradicating wild-type polio in nations like India, vaccine-induced polio paralysis cases far outnumber those the vaccines were intended to prevent. It is believed that vaccines produce at least 300% more cases of polio than those existing in the wild, indicating that a natural problem has been transformed into a manmade one.
An important and highly concerning study published early this year in the journal Microbiology & Infectious Diseases titled, “Covid-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Diseases,” addresses one of the many potential, unintended, adverse health effects of the experimental mRNA Covid-19 vaccines presently being deployed worldwide, namely, their possible induction of prion diseases, a category of highly fatal brain disorders
For those paying attention, there are serious concerns to our current vaccination schedule in America. In a previous post I gave 8 of those that I felt were important enough for me to not vaccinate my daughter. In this article we look at 8 more reasons. Do any of these resonate with you?
Vaccines have been linked to hundreds of diseases including autism. Now, thanks to emerging science, we can add depression to the laundry list of issues vaccines can contribute to causing.
The National Vaccine Information Center's Advocacy Portal ( lists current vaccine bills throughout the U.S. Right now, it lists from one to six vaccine bills in each of 30+ states. Most of these bills, if passed into law, would further expand an already out-of-control pharmaceutical vaccine agenda that seeks to require more vaccines for more people while further restricting our right to refuse them.
Dr. Offit presents a flawed argument that "misguided" parents are to blame for the "reemergence" of infectious diseases. A deeper investigation into the statistics he quotes brings about a more accurate argument.